Farming goes WildernessCulture!

Our Goals

The wilderness culture farm is a demonstration of a better way to work with nature. This project gives you an opportunity to join the project. Our next step is the building of a Wilderness Culture Village. People will be able to come stay in the tiny houses and learn. This is why we want to build the first mobile tiny house in the Südburgenland.
People from all over the world can come to gain experience and learn on our farm.
We will offer workshops on how to run a farm like Sepp Holzer would. It is our desire to develop the next step to the wildnerness culture way! That is absolutly unique in Austria.

Who are we?

Judith Anger = Wildnerness Culture Pioneer
Michaela Schmitz = IT, Webside and Crowdfunding
Florian Ryba= design
Sebastian Helbig = set designer
Jamie and Ludwig our housekeepers
And a lot more helpers...